
Plain of Komi

When the water lost its moisture, it turned to earth.

When the earth lost its cold, it became fire.


It seems as if different time horizons meet:  a natural scenery that is surrounded by eternal claims, and the traces of a temporarely artistic involvement with nature.

Landscapes determine my memory as well as my creative imagination. This applies especially to the so-called free,  supposedly wild nature. I determine the landscape, I sort it according to my ideas, after it has in turn previously stimulated my feelings and shaped my thoughts. The interrelation between landscape and ego, between nature and feeling, between determination and overpowering, between the land and the idea - an everlasting game. Natural materials are used as well as those that are brought into the landscape. These are gradually integrating with the natural environment. In this way a statement about my relationship to the land is created. The set sign becomes the common denominator between man and earth.

The work

A blue band runs down a terraced slope from above to the ground (length: approx. 20 meters/width approx. 50 cm). This fabric is weighted down by a central row of stones. The band ends at the lowest step in a 12 cm deep, rectangular pit of the same width (approx. 4 meters long). The inner edges of this pit are covered with bricks on which individual terms and signs relating to the element EARTH are written (GAIA/PERSEPHONE/COLD/DRY/HEAVY..., etc.). On the recessed surface where the band continues, are eight square stone slabs arranged (30x30 cm ea.) , with glass containers in the middle that are containing soil from various places of the area. The end of the work marks the sign for earth, made of stones laid on the end of the fabric.

The artwork, lines of sight and ways of thinking are constantly being put into a different light, new points of view are adopted in order to be able to map spaces and the environment anew. Through scenic conditions that attract my attention on site and connect with my spirit, the work can change, but not significantly. The basic idea remains the same.

Involvement of local people/Womans Association

8 people from the nearby village are invited to participate. Each one writes a single word on a piece of paper, expressing her/his connection to the earth. These pieces are later placed on top of the earth in the different glass containers.

Here it depends on the willingness to participate in the work of art. Possible would be a relatively anonymous participation by handing over to me the collected pieces of paper.

At a certain time the words would be read aloud by me during a small performance and then placed in the individual containers. The contributions handed over to me for reading aloud should be written in Latin script.

If there is a willingness to make an active gesture, the words could be read out individually by the authors themselves and put into the glasses.

The collaboration with the choir consists of the singers performing a song about the earth at the end of the performance (traditional or contemporary). The performance is choreographed by me and should be rehearsed at least one time.

For the participation of the local people I would need the support of the organizers (contact, etc.). I am willing to present the project to the community with a translator.

Materials like fabric is brought by me. Bricks, special stones, paint, the glass containers etc. I would organize at the island.

All care will be taken to ensure that neither fauna nor flora are harmed. All non-organic components will be disposed at the end of the exhibition period (glasses with contents will be given to the local participants).